Built Shed, Built desk/cabinet and shelves for sewing room, Cleaned garage, Organized pantry,
Organized tools/shed, Organized drawers in Bathroom,/Bedroom,and Organized closet.
We still have to go thru thousands of pictures, have shelves built in Master bathroom
Some of these were completed this week and have posted a few before and after photos of those projects
Freddie is trying to figure out how we are going to get Mason's bed and TV in this tiny 4x8 foot shed - no lights yet - no bathroom - well, there are a lot of pots out there, flowers will be happy, ;)
Mason's getaway house (when he's in the dog house but since we don't have a dog, Mason will have to be it)
After desk was built, I realized it was too high so we had to cut into it and drop a box to fit my sewing machine so when I sew, the desk and sewing surface are flush with each other. Amador is amazing and so inexpensive. We love him.
And this is the entrance to the Sewing Room
It says, " When life throws you scraps, Make a quilt"
Garage doesn't usually look this bad but between trying to decide what goes in the shed and what stays in garage - well, it was a disaster
clutter - these are some of the boxes that hold the thousands of pictures we have to go thru - thats a project for 2011
We even have empty shelves and I can get to my fabric- all 17 bins(they are color coordinated- sort of) and the cedar closet has more sewing stuff
This closet got out of control - looked like it threw up purses, scarves, shoes, camera cases, hats, and tote bags (who needs 22 tote bags)
Every thing in its place and sorted by color - We didn't know we had so many hats, purses, shoes and we even got rid of lots of themPicture doesn't do it justice. It really looks good! and... we can find stuff now and Goodwill is happy too.