Friday, February 4, 2011


This is the silliest post we will do but it has to be done.  Sylvia is convinced that San Antonio should be considered a country( 2 1/2 world country - not quite 3rd world but close) all of its own because the city and the people have a culture different from any of the rest of the United States.  From the food, to the streets, to driving -its wierd.

It snowed almost 1/2 inch and the city closed down.  The streets were all closed, I-10, 1604, 410, 35 - all closed down.  The few" idiots", for lack of a better word, that did brave the streets, wrecked.  People around here have not seen snow since 1985.  They don't know what black ice is and worse, they don't know how to drive in it.  The tow truck industry is raking in the $$ - more in 1 day than the whole year put together/

Mason braved the cold weather and went out in it to capture pictures of wrecks on Prue Rd.  He walked maybe 100 yards and fell on his tail bone.  Thankfully, there were a few other unwise neighbors w/him and they caught him before he landed too hard but he is hurting again - he had just gotten over his back pain of 2 weeks.  Soooooooooooooooo, here is what he captured in pictures: 

ice on the street
ice outside our driveway
it didn't even stick to grass just rocks
our neighbors trying to make snow angels in 1"

3 hours later - melting snow and ice:
snow melting off neighbor's roof
melting ice on streets and dry spots
The temp last nite was 22 degrees and now its about 38 (at noon)
Tomorrow it will be 62 so we will be back to normal cold while the rest of the country is happy w/anything above 0.  I guess we are blessed w/our weather - told you we are different.

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