Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I don't know what got into Mason today, but he got up at 7 and not only mowed our lawn but our neighbor next door and the one across the street.  He used his weed eater on our back and front and side yard and moved some posts from back to front yard.  Our yard is one of the prettiest and best kept in the entire area.
new toy (gas weed eater)edged so nicely
See how manicured it looks

view from the front

He finished about noon and after a shower and lunch, took one of the shortest naps of his life - only 1/2 hr.  I tell everyone he is like the energizer bunny, keeps on going and then his naps keep on going - thats why I'm surprised he only took 1/2 today - when he needed more today than ever.

1 comment:

  1. That is what Pinto beans, redchili w/pork, tortillas CHICARONES AND SOPIPILLAS will do to a man!
