Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Although it was COLD yesterday, today was really nice. Mason decided to blow leaves off the front of the house and work in the yard. We were scheduled to babysit with Troy while his parents went to a funeral and they arrived just as he was out there. Troy decided he wanted to be outside and started to "help" grampa Mason. He knows how to turn on switches and helped turn on and off the leaf blower. He really loved helping with the blower and when we came in he started crying because he still wanted to go out. After a little bacon and pancake breakfast, we went out to the back. Mason was pulling weeds and Troy and I were triming bushes and playing with his car and wagon. Then he decided to go help pick up weeds too. It was so cute to see the two of them "working" together. He doesn't talk much but makes his wishes known with his grunts and squeals and pointing. He does sign language for "more" and "done" and so he kept telling us he wanted to do more. We are hoping that anyone reading this does not turn us into the Child Labor Laws division for employing an almost 2 yr old (March 26) and paying him with just love, kisses, claps and yeas and bacon and pancakes. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Very cute!!! He looks like a real sweetie and a helper in training.
